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Hottie: Jack Sexsmith


Cheeky Progress Wrestling athlete Jack Sexsmith puts the P into our Rainbow initialism, identifying as pansexual. Like Janelle Monae and Miley Cyrus, this means Jack is not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.

His wrestling character began operating under the mantra of ‘Sexually Frivolous & Morally Ambiguous’, but as the crowd’s cheers grew louder, Sexsmith and Progress management decided to be open about his true sexuality as he evolved from an endearing comic relief to a social justice warrior, LGBTQIP activist of sorts.

“Other than the odd unsettling tweet, I can safely say I am shocked at how little homophobia I have endured… All parties seem very much of the mind-set, ‘if your good enough, then why does it matter?’ and I can’t truly verse how lucky and blessed I feel about that.”

When he’s not bumping around a ring, Jack can be found hanging with family and supporting his favourite football team Arsenal.


Follow Jack on Twitter @TheJackSexsmith and find out more about Progress at

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