Mozart’s Don Giovanni opened in Auckland on 18 September, again to a full house. Sung in Italian, this is the story of legendary lethario Don Juan who sports over 1000 conquests in Spain alone!
First performed in Prague in 1787, the setting is completely updated with run down Havana type props and nightclub! You are taken on a joyous ride following Don’s conquests and boasting…can this guy get away with it? The singing is exceptional by all but spurned lover Donna Alvira (sung by Anna Leese) really hits a level that is quite amazing.
Tragedy, comedy (largely supplied by Don’s servant Loporello) is intermingled at every step and the characterisations are very convincing – even the Bogan husband of bride to be Zerlina – who inevitably is also seduced by our serial seducer.
So go for the music, the story or the singing! Altogether a great performance.
NZ Opera’s performance is on in Auckland until 28 September and is followed by a season in Wellington 11 – 18 October.
Article | Richard Todd. Photo | Neil Mackenzie.