The NZ Falcons is a gay and inclusive rugby club, formed in 2013.
Club President Blair Dickman announced that ASB has been signed on as the principal sponsor for 2014 and 2015. Blair said “This arrangement secures the club’s immediate future and ensures its participation in the 2014 Bingham Cup and beyond.“
Barbara Chapman, ASB’s Chief Executive, had this to say “This is a fantastic opportunity for us to throw our support behind a team of passionate New Zealand rugby players competing on the world stage. We are delighted to be able to play a role in getting them to the Bingham Cup and we wish them every success in what is sure to be a very competitive tournament.
The NZ Falcons Winter Dinner was attained by over 40 people with players, supporters and sponsors mixing in a relaxed environment at Marcello’s Cafe & Restaurant – an avid supporter of the team.
The team’s current focus is on its club matches in the Auckland Competition and then its tour to Wellington on Queens birthday weekend to play an invitational game and promote the team outside of Auckland.
The Mark Bingham tournament is a biannual international event for gay rugby teams and is being held in Sydney on 24-31 August this year. Over 30 teams are expected to attend and this will be the first time a NZ team has participated.
Article | gayexpress
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