Rainbow Counsellor Lisa Michelle is here to help with your problems.
Q) My cousin is getting married in September and he has invited me, but not my girlfriend of nine years. I really want to go, but am hurt they won’t allow her to come because they hate that we are lesbian. Do I go without her, or boycott the wedding altogether?
A)Â I think you already know the answer by the language you used. To boycott means to withdraw from relations with others out of protest, which is exactly what you need to do in order to protect your right to be with the one you love. Let your cousin know how this affects you and perhaps they will gain some understanding before September. If not, then be sure to invite them to your own wedding!
If you have an issue you would like Lisa to talk about in express, email and let her know at ask@gayexpress.co.nz
 Article | Lisa Michelle
Lisa Michelle is a Chaplain and Counsellor for the GLBT Community, working with both Rainbow Youth and OUTLine NZ as an independent consultant and also on the board of OUTLine.