Described by one Auckland scribe as “The Trans Golden Girl of the social set’, Mary Haddock-Staniland has been appointed an Ambassador for the It’s not OK Campaign.
Its not Ok launched in September 2007 with the simple message – Family Violence is not OK, but it is OK to ask for help.
Mary herself suffered from domestic violence as a child and is honoured to work with the campaign, “I’m proud to be asked to be an ambassador for this amazing cause and will do what I can to raise awareness about domestic violence which occurs in the home environment and effects the workplace. If sharing my story about the abuse I suffered as a child can empower others to leave their situations, then that’s a good thing,” she said.
Keep an eye out on Mary’s social media platforms for events she will be involved with. Given her corporate exposure, the It’s not OK campaign plans to involve Mary in all sorts of ways.
Article | gayexpress
Family violence thrives in secrecy, so if you are experiencing violence, using violence or witnessing it call the 0800 Family Violence Information Line (0800 456 450).