The ‘Shira Banki bills’ include establishing civil unions and outlawing conversion therapy.
Following on from the Jerusalem pride stabbings, the Zionist Union has proposed a set of GLBT equality bills named in honour of the 16 year old girl who died while showing her support for Israel’s GLBT community at the recent Jerusalem Pride parade.

The ‘Shire Banki’ bills are a package of measures which will include establishing civil unions, requiring education for equality and tolerance, prohibiting conversion therapy – to convince gay people to be or act straight – regulating surrogacy and supervising hate criminals after they’re released from prison.
The centre left Zionist Union (an alliance between the Labor party and Hatnuah) had already proposed a civil union bill.
However the new set of bills would go further, with the education bill requiring the education minister to set a curriculum on equality and tolerance for all types of schools in Israel for all population groups.
Another proposed bill would have the state keep track of and have a database of criminals convicted of hate crimes who have been released from prison, as it does currently for sex offenders.
 Article | Levi Joule.