
Rainbow Pride Auckland have launched a new website site and say they will reinstate the Pride parade for 2020.

Rainbow Pride Auckland (RPA) say they are seeking to “reinstate and improve the direction of the Parade & Festival for 2020 and beyond.”

Rainbow Pride Auckland say they are seeking to establish a “more inclusive and non-judgmental feel to its direction; not only the vast majority of our communities but those individuals and groups who feel marginalised,” following a controversial period which saw the traditional parade abandoned in favour of a smaller scale grassroots march.

The organisation has launched a brand new website and are now calling for sponsors to get in contact.

express previously reported in early February that the group’s members want a return of the parade to Ponsonby Road and in the same format as had been the case between 2013 – 2018, with uniformed police and corporate support.


Rainbow Pride is backed by a number of senior LGBT community leaders, including former Pride board members and Auckland Pride founder Gresham Bradley.

With the launch of the new website comes details of how the new organisation will be structured.

Rainbow Pride Auckland will not have a mass membership model as the current Auckland Pride does.

In explaining the decision, Rainbow Pride Auckland say they will be ‘self-governing’ and “therefore will not have a ‘wider open membership’. We believe it will take time to heal the rifts between many individuals and groups and feel this is the best way forward at the moment.”

However, that decision will be reassessed at the first Annual General Meeting prior to 31 July 2020.

“RPA has been set up to manage its work at three different levels which are a Board, Advisory Panel and a Guardianship Panel.”

The Board will be tasked with the day to day operations of the organisation, with the Guardianship Panel being in place to support the board’s work.

The Advisory Panel’s role will be to oversee the board to and help it “meet its objectives.”

Rainbow Pride Auckland is seeking expressions of interest for those wishing to be involved with either the board or advisory panel.

For more information, visit their website
