
Robert Moore is the Green Party candidate for Taranaki – King Country.

What do you think are the three greatest problems New Zealanders are facing at the moment?

Climate Change – the single biggest threat to our way of life, ever. Polar ice is melting, sea levels are rising, the science is clear, we need leadership and action now.


Inequality – we have growing inequality in Aotearoa and we need a plan to reverse the trend.

The Environment – the degradation of our taonga, biodiversity loss, we need a plan to clean up our rivers, land and oceans.

What have you done thus far to help?

I’ve been an ardent campaigner on climate change and environmental issues, the causes of which are usually the same causes of our growing inequality. I’ve been involved in an array of different groups working to bring attention and implement solutions to these over the years.

What do you intend to do as an MP to help?

I would continue to work with the community sector, where I am deeply involved at present, to develop solutions that work for our communities, solutions that value our land, people, and animals.

Why should our readers give you their party vote?

We have a strong history of giving a voice to those most vulnerable, whether it be our children, rivers or animals, and an even stronger Green Party be a stronger voice for the things we value.

What do you believe are the biggest issues specifically facing the GLBT community?

Heteronormativity and the culture of silencing.

What have you done thus far to address these?

To an extent simply being out helps change things, but also being involved in campaigns that celebrate the diversity of life that we share our communities with, such as Legalise Love Waikato and their campaign for marriage equality.

Do you intend to address any of those if are successful at the next election. If so, how?

I would work to make Aotearoa an inclusive society across all levels, but especially ensuring schools are safe environments for all children I believe is crucial.

What would be your message to the New Zealanders so disillusioned by politics that they are not planning to vote this election?

People who vote bring down governments. Give it a shot.

Please complete the sentence:

When I leave politics I would like my political career to be remembered for… giving a damn.

Winston Peters is… a formidable statesman.

To be a great Prime Minister you need to have… the name Metiria Turei.

Kim Dot Com is… understandably unimpressed with John Key.

Nice guys finish… on a moral platform and are accordingly acknowledged by their peers for their greatness of character.

New Zealand is… home.
