Entries are now open for the 2016 Wallace Arts Trust Short Fiction Contest.
The competition welcomes both emerging and established writers to share their stories based on the theme ‘A Kiwi Romance’ using a maximum of 750 words .The winning story will be unveiled during Auckland Pride 2016.
With the support of the Wallace Foundation, Alternative Bindings are awarding the following prizes in 2016
· $600 for the Wallace Arts Trust Prize Best Short Story; and
· $300 for the Wallace Arts Trust Runner-up Short Story.
Judges for the award are:
· Julie Helean, award-winning author
· Gina Cole, winner of the inaugural Alternative Bindings writing contest, 2014
· Stevan Eldred-Grigg, award-winning writer of novels, short stories and history
· Peter Wells, award-winning author and film-maker whose books include his memoir Long Loop Home’ which won the 2002 New Zealand Book Awards Biography Prize.
Andrew Rumbles, who has worked to put together the contest says that additional publicity and storytelling opportunities are also being pursued.
Entries should be emailed to alternativebindings@gmail.com with a deadline of 1 December 2015.
The Wallace Foundation was established by the James Wallace Arts Trust and Sir James Wallace to foster, maintain, promote and advance the education of New Zealand artists and New Zealand people generally in the creative arts. Alternative Bindings is a collective of GLBTQI lovers of books and the written word. We run events during Auckland Pride each February that encourage people to express their own stories in writing.
For more information please contact
Andrew Rumbles
09 5800941