
Protest against the TPP at the LYC Big Gay Out has been the subject to both praise and antagonism since the Sunday celebration. While many have taken to social media to advocate for those protesting, there has been a unsurprising lack of acknowledgement from the Prime Minister, John Key.

“TPP is not a gay and lesbian issue” he comments after leaving the Durex Main Stage to a onslaught of vocal protest. This highlights the Prime Minister’s nonchalance and ignorance towards GLBT issues and attempts to place gay and lesbian people in a space where they are only allowed to protest if they are speaking out against issues specific to the rainbow community.

“John Key is wrong – the TPPA is an LGBTQI issue, as it’s an issue for all New Zealanders,” said Green Party rainbow issues spokesperson Kevin Hague. “John Key has admitted that the TPPA will mean higher prices for medicines and reduced access to cutting-edge, top-of-the-line drugs. This will affect people living with HIV/AIDS and all other New Zealanders”.

The TPP is not an exclusively queer issue, but this does not diminish the right of the rainbow community to speak out against the agreement.

