
Image: Facebook

We here at express want to apologise to ‘Bishop’ Brian Tamaki and his followers at Destiny Church, on behalf of LGBT+ people, for all the sin that we have caused with our homosexual and transgender ways.

We are sorry that our immoral ways and secret agenda of bringing in a “radical gay” to try to get equality for all. We are sorry that we have caused all the churches in Christchurch (apparently the best city on Earth because it is made up of the words ‘Christ’ and ‘church’) to be “involved in homosexual practice [and] homosexual priests”. Who were we to know that this would cause the massive earthquake a few days ago and continuing weather – besides tectonic plate movement, natural weather conditions, and just bad luck in general.


We’re also sorry that we didn’t realise that Leviticus was such an important part of the Bible – besides all the clear discrepancies within those verses, let alone the rest of the Bible, we didn’t realise that our actions made the “Earth [convulse] against the weight of human sin”.

For those of you who haven’t heard or figured it out, this post is in relation to Brian Tamaki’s sermon, which was posted on the Destiny Church Facebook page.

It has been covered in mainstream national media as well, much to his chagrin.

Unfortunately, you can’t claim media bias when the majority of that video was you denouncing gays, and in extension, all other rainbow people.

A petition has been set up to get the Government to remove Destiny Church’s tax-free status – the sermon did actually call the Government the “demons in the world” – and is very close to the 35,000 signature mark.

Here’s the video for you all to laugh at, or maybe post an ‘angry reaction’:
