
City Gallery Wellington is exhibiting the internationally-acclaimed work by Cindy Sherman until 19 March.

New York-based Cindy Sherman is widely considered one of the most influential artists living today. She has successfully challenged the way we think about photography and in doing so, she confronts our stereotypical and cultural clichés, relating in particular to the representation of women and the cult of celebrity.

City Gallery Director Elizabeth Caldwell is thrilled that this major exhibition is now in New Zealand. “Her complex character studies have, over 40 years, garnered considerable international attention”.


Untitled #458 (pictured) is but one of over 50 large scale photographs on display. Many include images from fashion houses Chanel and Balenciaga, as well as the iconic “Head Shots” 2000-02, “Clowns” 2003-04 and “Society Portraits” from 2008. The exhibition also includes her most recent series referencing old Hollywood glamour along with a large scale, site specific mural.

The Cindy Sherman exhibition displays until 19 March 2017 at City Gallery Wellington and comes with the support of the Wellington City Council, Massey University and the US Embassy. Tickets are available from
