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Twelve Years of Family
Family Bar & Club
Sunday 27 August
270 Karangahape Road, Auckland
Photos: Maria Bumanglag

Happy birthday, Family Bar from us at express! The evening kicked off with an divine VIP event held at Shanghai Lil’s, before patrons made their way up to the grand gates of Family Bar itself.

The room was packed to the rafters with an eclectic array of drag queens, entertainers and gorgeous party-goers with their own twist on the Superhero theme!

No one let work the next morning stop them from having a fantastic evening at the iconic venue, including surprise visits from Labour Party’s Carmel Sepuloni and Shanan Halbert and Green Party’s James Shaw and Jan Logie!


The queens kept the event colourful throughout the night with fabulous shows, and Miss Ribena had the crowd shouting to the gay Gods and singing happy birthday to New Zealand’s hottest gay nightclub.
