
American actor, Lucas Hedges who is best known for his role in Boy Erased has opened up about his sexuality describing himself as “not totally straight.”

21-year-old Hedges, who is also the son of writer-director Peter Hedges, spoke with Vulture about how he noticed during his childhood that his sexuality existed on a spectrum.

“I owe it to this part to speak as honestly as possible,” Hedges said.

“In the early stages of my life, some of the people I was most infatuated with were my closest male friends. That was the case through high school, and I think I was always aware that while for the most part I was attracted to women, I existed on a spectrum.”

“I felt ashamed that I wasn’t 100 per cent, because it was clear that one side of sexuality presents issues, and the other doesn’t as much,” Hedges added.


Hedges said that his experience helped him to relate to his character Jared, whose religious parents send him away to a conversion therapy program.

“I recognised that sense of anticipating and waiting for anyone and everyone to be like, ‘There’s something wrong with you,’” Hedges said.

“It’s a story about shame, which felt to me like the governing factor of my life and my childhood.”
