
This is not the first time the Wallabies player has taken to Instagram to attack homosexuality.

Israel Folau was warned last year by Rugby Australia boss Raelene Castle after a series of provocative posts, most notably one that said: “God’s plan for gay people was HELL.” He was not formally sanctioned, however.

Rugby Australia may now have to reconsider that strategy after the star player took to Instagram to post another anti-gay meme.

The post read:  “WARNING Drunks Homosexuals Adulterers Liars Fornicators Thieves Atheists Idolaters, HELL AWAITS YOU. REPENT! ONLY JESUS SAVES,” before adding a bible verse from Galatians.


The Instagram post was accompanied by a comment from Folau which read, “Those who are living in sin will end up in Hell unless you repent. Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him.”

The Waratahs fullback didn’t stop there. Over on his twitter, Folau expressed his disdain for Tasmania’s new gender recognition laws, which removes the requirement for birth certificates to list gender or for Trans people to need surgery before changing their gender.

Folau posted a screenshot of a story headlined, “Tasmania becomes first Australian jurisdiction to make gender optional on birth certificates” with the comment: ‘The devil has blinded so many people in this world, REPENT and turn away from your evil ways. Turn to Jesus Christ who will set you free.”

Folau who was most recently in New Zealand on Saturday where he played against the Blues at Eden Park, has been criticised by former British and Irish Lions captain Gareth Thomas, who was injured last in year in a homophobic attack. He has told his followers to ignore Folau’s comments.

“I don’t write this with hate or anger after Israel Folau’s comments,” Thomas said.

“I write with sympathy. To everyone who reads it, don’t be influenced by his words. Be the better person and be YOU. Whoever YOU is… Hell doesn’t await YOU. Happiness awaits YOU.”

It is unclear what action will be taken against Folau. It was only in February that he signed a new three year deal with the NSW Waratahs.

Rugby Australia is expected to make a statement later today.













