As part of Auckland Live’s Cabaret Season, Musical Theatre Unleashed will see Aotearoa’s leading music theatre performers showcase a line-up of contemporary songs written especially for the stage by our very own NZ composers and lyricists. Express talks to Musical Theatre Unleashed’s Director and Curator, Ryan Jacobs.
Tell us about your show and why we should all be buying a ticket to see it?
Music Theatre Unleashed delivers 100% kiwi content, featuring some of New Zealand’s finest composers and artists in an evening of musical stories.
Tell us about the most outstanding moment of your career so far?
For me, one of the most exciting parts of being a creator and director is inspiring individuals to embrace their talents and refine their craft. My most recent role was as Artistic Director of Suitcase Theatre in Toronto, where I was able to mentor young professional artists whilst creating work that inspired the artists of tomorrow. Theatre is a collaborative art and I am excited to be working with New Zealand Music Theatre Company, as we continue to grow our community of professional creators and artists whilst building our audiences and exposing them to the future of New Zealand Music Theatre.
What do you think is the biggest misconception about Cabaret and why are they so wrong?
Cabaret is an incredibly viable and crucial part of our industry. I believe that the biggest misconception about cabaret is that it is a lower level of quality, whilst in fact, it allows for quality work to be presented in a fashion that eliminates grander production costs. We like to view cabaret as storytelling in its truest form.
What do you hope your audience will take from your show?
We hope our audience will walk away with an appreciation for the incredibly talented musical theatre composers and artists from NZ, and an understanding of the need for more professional outlets for these talents within our country.
MUSIC THEATRE UNLEASHED plays on Sunday 16 June at 6pm at The Civic’s Wintergarden. Tickets from