
Why hookups are a go-no during our Level 4 Lockdown against COVID-19.

Our Level 4 lockdown means bars and sex on-site venues around NZ have closed, but governments and health bodies are urging people to avoid casual hookups in general.

On their website, Ending HIV state that while you can still use hook-up apps to chat online, it is not the time to be meeting them in person


“To keep COVID-19 transmissions as low as possible and protect vulnerable members of our communities, New Zealand is now in an alert level 4 lockdown. This means a radically different lifestyle for all of us – and while you can still use your phone to meet people online, you should definitely not be using the lockdown time for casual sex.

“While COVID-19 isn’t a sexually transmitted infection, being in close personal contact with another person is one of the highest risk behaviours for this virus – when you add in shared bodily fluids, it’s even higher risk.

“COVID-19 is completely different from HIV and STIs and requires a totally different approach and prevention measures. Unfortunately, this means our three trusted HIV prevention strategies (condoms, PrEP and U=U) won’t do anything to stop this pandemic.”

Ending HIV suggests sex via video links (like Facetime or Skype) and phone sex serve as alternatives.

The organisation also offer advice for a partner’s living together:

“If either one of you thinks they might have been exposed to COVID-19 before the lockdown, it’s best to avoid close contact until you know you don’t have the virus…

“If one of you has confirmed, probable or suspected COVID-19 but doesn’t need to be hospitalised; follow the Ministry of Health’s advice and avoid all close contact and make use of technology to keep things intimate. Sex and intimacy are great ways to help stay connected and boost each other’s mental wellbeing – but you can do it without physical touch!”

Ending HIV admit that their services have been impacted by the lockdown and recommend visiting: to find out more. They can still send out HIV self-test kit you at home.
