Subjected to the debunked practice known as conversion therapy by his family, Blair Anderson has opened up about his shocking and disturbing experience in the UK.
Speaking with Glasgow Live Anderson told of how he was forced to go to conversion therapy after coming out at 14 years of age.
Anderson who says he grew up in a “strict” religious household, was called “abhorrent” by a family member after finding out he was gay and feels that he was let down by his family who instead of offering him love and support, decided to subject him to years of non-physical abuse.
“Most people’s idea of conversion therapy is a formal one, taking place maybe in a medical practice or a church camp”, Blair explained to Glasgow Live, before adding “My experience was different, as it was family-based.”
After coming out at 14, Anderson says he “was told it wasn’t an option and given an ultimatum – to be gay or disowned.”
Anderson says that during that time he was subjected to “gaslighting, bullying, harassment, isolation.”
Prayer and one-on-one teachings designed to rid him of homosexuality was also common.
“I was threatened, told that if I was to practise my homosexuality in any way, family members would die as a result – they’d be killed by God,” he told Glasgow Live.
Anderson says he finally escaped from his family and the horrific experience aged 18, and is now living his truth. While his mental health was greatly affected by his horrific experience, he continues to speak out about his experience and backed a nationwide campaign to end conversion therapy for good.
In New Zealand, conversion therapy is still yet to be outlawed with Justice Minister Kris Faafoi previously saying the Ardern government would be introducing a law to ban Conversion Therapy midway through 2021 and hope to have it passed before Pride Month in 2022.