
Councillor Linda Cooper has come under fire for labelling a critic of the National party entry into this year’s Pride parade a “judgemental little cock.”

The name calling came as a result of Daniel O’Connor questioning the participation of National list MPs Alfred Ngaro and Melissa Lee’s in this year’s pride parade, given both MPs voted against Louisa Wall’s marriage equality bill in 2013.

O’Connor has told express that the comment was made on Melissa Lee’s Facebook page and met with an angry reply from Cooper who told O’Conner to “get a grip little boy. When you grow up you will realise that life is not black and white,” she wrote.

“If you ever have the privilege of serving your country you will find it is not easy and difficult choices have to be made. Until then try not to be such a judgemental little c**k.”

express understands that a number of formal complaints to Auckland council have already been made, with O’Connor to lodge one this afternoon.


Further updates to follow.

Article | Levi Joule. Photo | Dan Liu.

