
Auckland’s most queer-friendly street plans to make February a very colourful month!

Karangahape Road takes great pride in its community’s inclusive, unique, and independent identity. This community has consistently been a supportive safe haven for LGBTTQ+ communities and continues to strive for increased safety, visibility, and inclusion for all. This summer, the Karangahape Road Business Association and Pride Pledge are collaborating to bring you, Roll Out The Rainbow.

Roll Out The Rainbow is an initiative that runs throughout Auckland Pride season until the end of February 2020. It provides an opportunity for anyone who lives, works, and plays in the Karangahape Road Business Community to maximize their support for the LGBTTQ+ communities by making their Karangahape Road workplace, shop front, cafe, street, or apartment as prideful and rainbow-fied as possible!  


Get involved and visibly show your support for the inclusion of all rainbow people within the community. The goal is to celebrate Karangahape Road’s fabulous spirit of diversity and independence, and to maximize support for the LGBTTQ+ communities inclusivity by making the area rainbow-fabulous! Get creative and make your Karangahape Road space vibrant.

For those who don’t live or work in the area, visit Karangahape Road this January and February to support and celebrate the LGBTTQ+ communities during this Auckland Pride season!

For more information, please email
