Straight-talking Whangarei Gal-About-Town Melanie Payne suspects Lockdown might go beyond 28 days, but can’t wait to get her back waxed and nails extended when regular life resumes.
Tell us about your Level 4 Lockdown – where are you?
At home in Tangiteroria, Northland.
Who’s in your bubble?
Just Lil’ Ol’ Me – I’m single and choose to live alone!
What are you doing to keep your mental health in check?
Just living as I normally do when home.
What are your top tips for express readers who are struggling with self-isolation? Stop reading the depressing news! Think of all the times whilst you’ve been out at work and wished you could spend some more time at home ! What would you have wanted to do?
What is the most positive aspect of self-isolation you’ve experienced so far?
A respite from daily Transphobia.
What plans do you have between now and day 28 of lockdown?
Day what?! Do you really think that lockdown will only last one month?
What are you missing most about ‘normal life’?
What will be the first thing that you can’t wait to do when regular life resumes? Apart from Sex? Have my back waxed & my nail extensions done!
Moving forward is there anything you think you will change about your life following self-isolation?
Not. One. Thing.
Is there a closing message you would like to share with our gorgeous LGBTI+ community?
Love yourself! Lift your heads up from your phones and talk to people. Real human voices and online ‘chat’ is not the same thing.
Photos | Peter Jennings.