
A fresh take on ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’

Feminine-Lost-NZIn her ground-breaking new book, Feminine Lost (Weinstein Books), author Jennifer Granger argues that all humans are a balance of masculine and feminine energies, and with the rise of the feminist movement, many women have migrated to their masculine side, with some losing their feminine side altogether. As a consequence, men have now found their way  to their feminine side, resulting in relationship disharmony for both parties and deep loneliness when they’re single.

Over her years as a transformative coach, Jennifer began to see more and more of the same “types” emerging, as clients explained the personal and professional challenges they faced each day. Once she began to define men and women more clearly by their characteristics and actions, Jennifer developed a truly unique theory of what makes people tick.

Feminine Lost examines new age female archetypes, including the Andro Woman, the Cougar, and the Good Doer, pairing them with their masculine opposite, and examining how these roles play out in modern relationships today. Jennifer’s analysis helps readers greater understand who we are, uncover why aspects of our lives aren’t working, and gain an understanding of why we continue to repeat unsatisfying relationships.

Accessibly written and filled with real-life examples, Feminine Lost offers a fresh perceptive of what it means to be feminine in the twenty-first century.


 Article | gayexpress. Photo | Tux Hika – Amy Brosnahan for express magazine,

Melbourne-based author Jennifer Granger is an intuitive transformational coach and author.
