
Tensions existing in the Gay Auckland Business Association (GABA) board threaten to stifle the group’s productivity.

The recent election of Heather Carnegie, was the first ever contested election for President in GABA’s history. The contests close result that saw former incumbent Skot Barnett lose by just a few votes, has created an executive board divided into two camps with separate loyalties to Carnegie and Barnett.

When asked about the tensions Carnegie denies any knowledge. “Not that I’m aware of. There will be others who may be upset, but I’m not aware of that,” she told express.

Former President Skot Barnett said that when he joined GABA he told the then board members that he “would rock the boat.” “I come from a very business centric family and we look at how things can be changed for the best. But I stand by the results as well.” Barnett tells us that he and Carnegie do have different working styles but says the two “get on fine.”

One board member who wishes to remain anonymous says, “I don’t think Heather’s had an opportunity to freely run and manage the executive [the way] she would like to.” They point out that constitutionally; no board member can be removed until the next GABA AGM, still ten months away.


Article | Levi Joule & Oliver Hall.
