I would like to acknowledge the passing of creative star Warwick Broadhead. When I first started as editor of express, Warwick was working on the magical show called Wild Cabbage with three people who went on to become some of my closest friends Michelle Lafferty, Yvette Parsons and Ben Crowder. I was a little bit scared of Warwick when I got to meet him because I found it impossible to predict what he was going to do next. I just knew it would be funny and shocking and like nothing I’d seen before. He went on to produce some of the most imaginative performance art Auckland has ever seen and touched the hearts of so many people around me. As Ben put it, “He was a rogue star – that brightened and inspired.” I hope his influence will continue to shape this golden age of arts and culture in New Zealand. May the true pioneers never be forgotten.
Olly xx
Cover: Model – Andrew Christian.