
2015’s winner, Carissa Sinclair, accepting her prize

Entries are now open for the Wallace Foundation Short Fiction Contest. First awarded in 2016, it replaces a previous contest, begun in 2014, by express. This year, there is a focus on specifically encouraging youth to enter.

Andrew Rumbles, the contest administrator, explains, “with the support of The Wallace Foundation and GABA Trust, we are able to award $600 cash for the winning story and $300 cash for the best writing from an emerging writer aged under 25. Under 25s need to confirm in their covering email if they are entering this emerging youth category. All entries will be judged for the overall contest winner, so some talented young writer could win the whole $900.”


This year also sees a doubling in the word limit to 1,500 words. This longer story should allow you to develop your theme and really demonstrate your storytelling skills. The word limit is a maximum though.

The winner will be announced during Same Same But Different at Auckland Pride Festival 2017.

There is no specified theme for 2017. Go with your heart and share your chosen story. The closing date for entries is 20 December 2017.

For more information and the competition rules, please email:
