
In the BBC’s newly released ‘Content Diversity and Inclusion Commissioning Guidelines’, it sets targets for 2017 and 2020 for the make-up of both its workforce and on-screen portrayal.

Specifically, it has set an 8 per cent target for 2020 for the LGBT+ community. In terms of the workforce, this target is inclusive of all staff working behind the camera, covering everyone from runners to executive producers.

In addition to this, the BBC is now expecting their suppliers to have Diversity and Inclusion Policies to show how they are employing to increase representation both on and off-screen.

The reason why they’re doing this is because “a true diversity of voices is essential to ensure that our drama truly reflects the nation, telling stories that shine out with fresh perspective and continued relevance; stories that are surprising, challenging and utterly involving for our audiences everywhere,” according to Commissioning Editor Lucy Richer.

Or more simply put by Controller Comedy Commissioning, Shane Allen, “have we got enough representation of the world of the white able-bodied middle-class middle-aged male in comedy? Yes we do.”


Other groups listed in the targets are women, people with disabilities, and ethnic minorities.
