It’s a real honour to be taking over the reins of express, a publication that has been a part of New Zealand history for 27 years!
The new express team and I are so excited for this opportunity to celebrate our vibrant and talented community that over-represents in so many amazing fields.
After meeting through express four years ago, Matt Fistonich and I are thrilled to be working together again. A former military man, Matt went on to win Mr. Gay New Zealand, an event he now runs as a Director of the Mr. Gay World organisation. With a passion for digital marketing, social media, and promoting LGBT+ rights, if you have not yet checked out his Instagram, it is a gift that keeps on giving, much in line with his charitable nature!
Excited for the future of New Zealand’s only LGBT+ magazine, I have been lucky enough to have worked for express on and off for 15 years – a time in which we battled for Civil Unions, dabbled in reality TV, and celebrated marriage equality!
Outside of express I have contributed to international LGBT+ publications including GT (Gay Times), Diva, the Star Observer, and spent over three years based in the Middle East, before running the website of cosmetics brand LUSH. But as a wise pop star once said, you always come back to what you love!
My time at express has always involved working with unforgettable talents, from the writers, photographers, and designers, to the people we profile who use their talents for our community. We at express look forward to telling more of those stories and keep showcasing your talents!