
Data released from the United Kingdom’s 2021 census has shown that young people are more likely to be open about their sexuality and identify as LGBTQ+ than previous generations.

The New census data, which captured the size of England and Wales’ LGBTQ+ population for the first time, has now shared a breakdown of the community by age and sex.

The statistics, which were published on Wednesday, the 25th of January, showed that people in the 16-24 age group had the highest proportion of lesbian, gay and bisexual people, with almost 7% (436,000) identifying as either lesbian, gay, or bi (the data did not consider gender identity).


This is more than twice the average population percentage of 3.16 per cent in the UK.

The data also highlighted that within the age bracket, 4% (252,000 people) identified as bisexual, with women being twice as likely as men to identify as bisexual.

English males were also more likely to identify as LGB+ than their Welsh counterparts, with 3.02% in England and 2.65% in Wales – While for women, the percentages were almost identical, with 3.32% in England and 3.33% in Wales.
