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Tag: InsideOUT Kōaro

Organisers InsideOUT Kōaro say Schools’ Pride Week Aotearoa is more important than ever pointing to research that shows that over one-third (37%) of rainbow secondary schools students have experienced bulling at school, including 46% of trans students. Now in its fifth year, Schools’ Pride Week Aotearoa is a nationwide rainbow...
Launching tonight, GiveOUT Day is four days of national fundraising giving to LGBTQ+ community groups and not-for-profit organisations. Last year was the inaugural GiveOUT Day held in New Zealand, and the hugely successful event raised nearly $60,000 for the 13 rainbow organisations that participated. Organisers The Rainbow NZ Charitable Trust...
Rainbow youth charity InsideOUT Kōaro say they are prouder than ever to celebrate Schools’ Pride Week Aotearoa  - a nationwide rainbow pride campaign in schools, running June 12-16 2023. Schools’ Pride Week Aotearoa is a celebratory week of events and activities to help foster a sense of belonging for rainbow...
On May 17, 1990, the World Health Organisation stopped classifying homosexuality as a mental health condition. 31 years later, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) remains an annual celebration of how far we have come, and an acknowledgement of how far we still have to go...

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