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Tag: louisa wall

The mother of marriage equality is locked in an internal Labour Party battle which could see her lose her Manurewa seat. Louisa Wall, mother of marriage equality and one of Labour’s most visible LGBT Members of Parliament is facing a selection challenge. Manurewa is considered a safe Labour Party seat, with...
Labour MP Louisa Wall (Ngati Tuwharetoa me Waikato) talks to express about being a proud Takatapui, campaigning for law reform in the Cook Islands and what remains to be achieved for our community. What does Pride mean to you? Pride to me is a disposition. It is the projection in every...
The Mother of marriage equality tells express she did it to show support for everyone in the community, including the small percentage who de-transition. Labour MP for Manurewa and the champion of marriage equality in New Zealand, Louisa Wall has found herself criticised for sharing an article about transgender people...
Labour Member of Parliament (MP) Louisa Wall has put forward an amendment in Parliament that would clarify the law so that it specifically says that “gender identity” is a prohibited ground for discrimination. It’s important we support it because this amendment (if passed by Parliament) will help reduce discrimination in...

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