
The National Party’s Nikki Kaye has today announced that $25,000 worth of funding will be dedicated towards more initiatives to support the GLBT youth of New Zealand.

“This latest funding will help InsideOUT New Zealand deliver workshops at the 2016 Shift Hui in Wellington, and help Q-Topia deliver the RainbowYOUTH education programme in Christchurch schools,” says Ms Kaye.

InsideOUT NZ will offer a series of workshops at the Shift Hui. These workshops will be focused on providing young people with the toss to work towards the creation of diverse groups and queer-straight alliances in schools and in their local communities.

According to todays media statement, up to 100 young people are expected to participate in the workshops during the hui and Twelve Q-Topia LGBTI young people have already been trained by RainbowYOUTH to be facilitators of RainbowYOUTH’s video-based education programme, which highlights and encourages acceptance of gender diversity.
“It’s encouraging that different groups are working together on local initiatives to engage and support LGBTI young people, and the funding announced today recognises and supports this collaborative approach.”

Image Credit | Eikon Online
