
A Trinidadian man, Jason Jones, has filed a suit at the High Court of Trinidad and Tobago that challenges Sections 13 and 16 of the Sexual Offences Act. These two sections criminalise sexual acts between two adults of the same sex, and serious indecency, regardless of consent.

In his lawsuit, Jones says the “very existence of these sections continuously and directly affects the claimant’s private life by forcing him to either respect the law and refrain from engaging – even in private with consenting male partners – in prohibited sexual acts to which he is disposed by reason of his homosexual orientation, or to commit the prohibited acts and thereby become liable to criminal prosecution”.

He is filing this suit as a response to his having to relocate to the United Kingdom after his family disowned him because of his sexuality. He tells the Jamaican Observer, “don’t wish to shove a gay agenda down you (the public) throat or attack your morals, religion or spirituality, I am doing this for the betterment of our nation, and for our feature generations”.
