It’s no secret that us humans are completely and utterly fascinated with the human body – when it’s naked, that is. Whether it was Michelangelo’s statue of David or Boticelli’s Venus, there was nudity involved and we liked it. In celebration of the naked human body, Pornhub have just announced a new app called TrickPics, that lets users place a variety of different stickers and animations on their nude selfies, in order to make them safer to share. Whether that be at the office, on social media, or all over the internet hoping it might get picked up by MOMA. We will leave that one with you guys.
The different sticker options are designed to cover the naughty bits with cartoon-based images that range from cute and playful, to just downright scary. Woman can choose door knockers for their boobs, or propellers for those into their aviation, while guys have options ranging from aubergines, champagne bottles, and of course, the lightsaber. May the force be with you.
Pornhub couldn’t forget the politics lovers out there either so for all of you, there is a filter called the “Big Wig”. It lets you pick a signature hairstyle of one certain orange-tinged man, decorating your genitalia and making it look great again.
TrickPics is supported by both Apple and Android phones so no need to panic! All photos taken by the app instantly saves to your camera roll so if you plan on making your trouser snake or propeller nipples go viral, it’s just a click away.