
Diverse Voices and Increased Involvement Promoted at Auckland Pride Community Hui

Auckland Pride stepped up this year and delivered a wide range of experiences for our diverse communities. Survey feedback has been very positive, and it’s now time to engage even more effectively with Auckland’s LGBT+ communities through their annual series of Auckland Pride Community Hui.

Your feedback at last year’s Community Hui greatly influenced the work of the Auckland Pride Board, as well as the Festival Director and Parade Co-Producers. In direct response, Auckland Pride’s constitution has been updated to include a much greater degree of community involvement, with a strengthened commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

During July, Auckland Pride Board members invite the public to hear about these and other exciting developments – and to have their say – at a series of community consultation meetings that aims to engage with a broad variety of voices from across Auckland’s rainbow communities.

Four hui are planned, followed by the Auckland Pride AGM at the end of July. The dates for the 2017 Auckland Pride Community Hui are:

Saturday 8 July, 10am – midday   
Studio One Toi Tū, 1 Ponsonby Road

Saturday 8 July, 2pm – 4pm
RainbowYOUTH Drop-in Centre, Abbey Street entrance


Saturday 22 July, 10am – midday
Auckland Women’s Centre, 4 Warnock Street, Grey Lynn

Saturday 22 July, 2pm – 4pm
MIT Pasifika Community Centre, 53 Ōtara Road

All four Community Hui are open to everyone. There will be a special focus on youth engagement at the RainbowYOUTH hosted hui; a focus on women’s issues for the hui at Auckland Women’s Centre; and active engagement with Māori and Pasifika communities at the MIT Pasifika Community Centre.

If you would like a specific issue to be discussed at the Auckland Pride Community Hui, please send an email to We’ll make sure it gets onto the agenda. Everyone will have an opportunity to discuss their topics on the day, so don’t stress if you are unable to make contact in advance.

For any queries, please contact Auckland Pride Co-Chairs Lexie Matheson and Julie Swift:

