
11-year-old Drag performer Desmond is Amazing, has shamed a right-wing website for attacking him and his passion.

The self-proclaimed “drag kid” who has appeared in Jinkx Monsoon’s music video The Bacon Shake, Desmond is Amazing, (real name Desmond Napoles), was honoured with the Marsha P. Johnson Award during New York City Pride, and recently participated in a demonstration for gun control with Gays Against Guns during New York Fashion Week.

However, Writer Alex Parker, took issue with Desmond’s drag and activism, taking to the internet, and writing an article for the right-wing blog, Red State, attacking Desmond’s choices.

“That’s right — sometimes it isn’t enough to slap on some rouge, top yourself with a daffodil wig, and pull on a pleather polka-dotted sequined v-neck tapered blousy netted metallic backless cocktail dress; sometimes ya gotta rage against the 2nd Amendment,” the article reads.

In response to the article, Desmond took to social media to let Jones and other critics know that he isn’t ashamed.


“They meant to make me look like a fool and hurt and embarrass my family. They tried to make me look crazy for protesting against gun violence in schools with @changetheref and @gaysagainstgunsn,” Desmond writes on Instagram.

“But really, they made me look even more AMAZING, even going so far as to emphasize that I’ve earned awards for my work in the LGBTQ+ community, that my career started in 2014 with @thejinkx, and that I created the term ‘drag kid.’ I mean, they ain’t lying! I’ve done ALL of those things and I’m grateful for the recognition,” he went on.

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This Conservative website, Red State, did an article about me with the headline "Being Amazing: 11-Year-Old Drag Kid Fights To Take Away Your Guns". They meant to make me look like a fool and hurt and embarrass my family. They tried to make me look crazy for protesting against gun violence in schools with @changetheref and @gaysagainstgunsny But really, they made me look even more AMAZING, even going so far as to emphasize that I've earned awards for my work in the LGBTQ+ community, that my career started in 2014 with @thejinkx, and that I created the term "drag kid". I mean, they ain't lying! I've done ALL of those things and I'm grateful for the recognition. So, if you want to see what a sad bunch of adults who have nothing better to do than bully a child, call them names, and make up sexual scenarios about them, looks like, copy and paste the link below into your browser. But I wouldn't recommend it… No need to give them any needed ad revenue. . . . #changetheref #gaysagainstguns #bullying #babydrag #babydragqueen #boysinmakeup #brooklyndrag #clubkid #clubkids #drag #dragart #dragartist #dragbaby #dragkid #dragkids #draglife #dragqueen #dragqueer #dragsuperstar #influencer #klubkids #love #myartistcommunity #mua #nonbinary #nycdrag #queerartist . #desmondisamazing #beyourselfalways #amazies . booking: @pegmgmt

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