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Tag: rotorua

Taiaroa Royal may have moved back home to Rotorua, but as one of our most prolific dancers and choreographers, the move has not slowed his quest to take Aotearoa’s dance to the stages of the world.  Tai of  Te Arawa, Kai Tahu and Ngāti Raukawa grew up on the family...
Visiting Rotorua’s new Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spa promises to be a ‘restorative journey.’ Oliver Hall and a famous friend find it lives up to the hype, leaving with minds inspired for a united future. It’s the final day of my ultimate spa weekend in Rotorua, and I couldn’t...
One hungover day, Oliver Hall heads south for some Rotorua relaxation and finds that our geothermal wonderland truly offers the ultimate spa weekend to restore your soul.  It’s the morning after URGE’s 26th Birthday Party, and I’m feeling a little worse for wear. Unlike others who are facing the prospect...
Community sweetheart Nanu (Ngāti Maniapoto, Te Āti Haunui-ā-Pāpārangi) became the first trans actor to walk away with the Best Supporting Actress gong at the annual Zony Awards, celebrating musical theatre. She talks to YOUR ex about her successes, the importance of performing in regional communities, and why her heart...
At the end of last month Rotorua leaders, business owners, and tour operators were invited to attend a two-day training session to help make their city one of the most inclusive in Aotearoa for queer, trans, and takatāpui communities. Oliver Hall charts the city’s groundbreaking journey. Rotorua Economic Development Marketing...
Ngāti Whakaue, Te Arawa, columnist, author and singer-songwriter, Lizzie Marvelly tells us about her passions for intersectional feminism, her beautiful wife and her home town, Rotorua. Marvelly’s voice exudes joy as she talks over the phone from her Rotorua home. She’s excited for International Women’s Day and the chance, “to...
Tamati Coffey shares his favourite things about his hometown, Rotorua. His most unmissable Rotorua experience: “Eat Streat on a Friday and Saturday night. In provincial towns like this. One of the things you don’t have that you do get in the urban centres is an accumulation of people in the same...
Looking to blow off steam on a romantic weekend getaway? Nowhere is steamier than Rotorua, sweetie! I’ve always had a soft spot for Rotorua, but I hadn’t been back for years. As a backpacker when I first landed in New Zealand, I visited and was completely charmed by the bubbling thermals,...

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