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Is it time to mourn the end of a gay happily ever after, or are you just too fussy? Dick Richards has the answers. The gay dating scene is dead. Gay guys just want to fuck. The gay dating pool is too small. I’m sure you’ve heard these statements before...
It’s a hook up without the adrenaline. Dick Richards looks at how we can rewire our sexual habits to keep us cumming back for more. To think it’s just a physical action where we experience a mind-blowing orgasm is to diminish the power of sex because it’s so much more...
In a time of physical distancing, Body Positive’s Mark Fisher asks what is the future for casual sex, sex on-site premises and people engaged in sex work? Physical isolation is the new normal as restrictions due to COVID continue. Walking outside or sharing a bench are considered dangerous and hugging...
Why hookups are a go-no during our Level 4 Lockdown against COVID-19. Our Level 4 lockdown means bars and sex on-site venues around NZ have closed, but governments and health bodies are urging people to avoid casual hookups in general. On their website, Ending HIV state that while you can still...

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